
One Arm Kettlebell Swing

Start the exercise by lifting the kettlebell upwards (just over 90 degrees) with one hand, whilst keeping your arm straight.

Drop your arm between your legs whilst squatting.

Make sure the weight does not touch the ground by keeping your back straight.

Lift the kettlebell back up by doing a hip forward thrust.

Keep your body weight on your heels during the entire exercise.

Repeat as prescribed (generally number of reps or time).

Increase difficulty by releasing the weight at the top of the swing and catching it with the other hand. Keep your toes out of the way :-)!

Will help:

Late-stage of lower limb post-op rehab

Low back pain

Anterior knee pain

Hamstrings/Quads injury

Gluts tendinopathy

Thoracic mobility

Shoulder injuries


Kettlebell Swing


Half Pistol Squat