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  • • 27/04/2022

    Gym Ball Bridge

    Lying on your back, place both feet on a gym ball.

    Push your bottom up whilst pushing through your heels on the ball.

    Avoid over-curving your back when reaching the top position.

    Come back down slowly and controlled.


    Gluteii muscles weakness

    Lower back pain

    Hamstrings injuries

    Hip OA

    Post hip/knee operations

    Osteitis pubis

    Adductor muscle tears

  • • 01/12/2022

    GB Hamstring curls - single leg

    Lie on your back with your feet up on the ball, keep your knees bent.

    Lift your hips off the floor. Lift one leg straight up whilst keeping the other leg on the gym ball

    Slowly start to straighten your leg that is on the ball, pushing the ball away from you.

    Pause for a second and then slowly return to your starting position.

    Repeat as prescribed.

    Repeat on opposite side.

    Will help:

    Hamstring tendon/ muscle injury

    Gluteal tendinopathy

    Quadriceps injury

    Post hip/knee op

    Anterior hip pain

  • • 23/11/2022

    GB Hip extension

    Start in a push-up position with your hands on the floor and your feet on the gym ball.

    Lift one leg straight up, whilst keeping the other foot on the gym ball.

    Return to the starting position.

    Repeat as prescribed.

    Repat on opposite side.

    Will help:

    Hip mobility

    Quadriceps injury

    Hamstring tendon/ muscle injury

    Gluteal tendinopathy

    Lower back pain

  • • 23/11/2022

    GB Knee tucks

    Start in a push-up position with your hands on the floor and your feet on the gym ball.

    Pull your knees to your chest, bringing the gym ball along.

    Return to the starting position.

    Repeat as prescribed.

    Will help:

    Quadriceps injury

    Hamstring tendon/ muscle injury

    Gluteal tendinopathy

    Upper and lower limb post-op rehab

    Scapular control

    Lower back pain

    Hip mobility

  • • 23/11/2022

    GB Back rotations

    Sit on the gym ball with your knees bent at 90 degrees.

    Cross your arms over chest at shoulder height.

    Rotate as far to one side as you can.

    Pause, then slowly rotate as far to the opposite side as you can.

    Repeat as prescribed.

    Will help:

    Back pain

    Thoracic mobility

  • • 23/11/2022

    GB Knee extension

    Sit on the gym ball, keep your knees bent at 90 degrees.

    Keeping your arms at shoulder level. Place them straight out in front of you. This will help keep your balance.

    Straighten one leg out, whilst keeping the other leg bent and foot on the floor.

    Bring the straight leg back to the starting position in a slow and controlled manner.

    Repeat on opposite side.

    Repeat as prescribed.

    Will help:


    Back pain

    Knee rehab

  • • 23/11/2022

    GB Lumbar side flexion

    Sit on the gym ball with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Keep your back straight.

    Place your arms out straight by your side.

    Tilt to one side, keeping your arms straight touch the floor.

    Return to starting position in a slow and controlled manner.

    Repeat on opposite side.

    Repeat as prescribed.

    Will help:

    Back pain


    Anterior Hip Pain

  • • 23/11/2022

    GB Sideways tilts

    Sit on an exercise ball with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent at 90 degrees.

    Keeping your back straight, push your hip out to the side.

    Pause for a second before bringing the hip back to the starting position.

    Repeat as prescribed.

    Repeat on opposite side.

    Will help:

    Lower back pain


    Anterior hip pain

  • • 23/11/2022

    GB Pelvis tilts

    Sit on an exercise ball with your feet flat on the floor and your knees bent at 90 degrees.

    Roll your pelvis backward, pushing your groin forward and bending your lower back.

    Then roll your pelvis forward, sticking your butt out and lifting your back up straight.

    Repeat as prescribed.

    Will help:

    Lower back pain


    Anterior hip pain

  • • 23/11/2022

    GB Hamstring curls

    Lie on your back with your feet up on the ball, keep your knees bent.

    Lift your hips off the floor.

    Slowly start to straighten your legs, pushing the ball away from you.

    Pause for a second and then slowly return to your starting position.

    Repeat as prescribed.

    Will help:

    Hamstring tendon/ muscle injury

    Gluteal tendinopathy

    Quadriceps injury

    Post hip/knee op

    Anterior hip pain